[Insight-users] doubt about the procedure of contributing an example to the wiki

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 10:13:31 EDT 2011

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Juan Cardelino
<juan.cardelino at gmail.com> wrote:
> OK. I will try to do that, I will try to make a profile on my eclipse
> IDE so it automatically formats my code according to ITK coding style.
> My problem, and I'm sure it is share by many, is that I'm plenty of
> useful examples but I don't have much time to document them, or I have
> made it in another format. See for instance this wiki page were I've
> placed examples and comments related to this example:
> http://iie.fing.edu.uy/rs/wiki/ContributedCode:ITKShapeGuidedSegmentation
> Another thing, is there any way that I could add accompanying images
> with the code? Sometimes the example alone without images is kinda
> hard to understand. In addition, in this case, you need to generate a
> registered set of training images, which takes time and generates
> doubts.
> The problem in this case is that you need many images to train the
> model, again I wish to see something like that wiki page.

You can put images on the examples pages (here is an example of how:
http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples/IO/ImageToVTKImageFilter ), but
for something like that ITKShapeGuidedSegmentation it would be better
to put it in on the Tutorials page:


You could do all of the explaining of the training data, etc on the
Tutorial page, and at the end say "Please see Examples/.../PCA for a
compilable example". At the top of the Example page, you would also
probably want to point to the tutorial.


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