[Insight-users] Trouble with Python numarray

Harish M.V. mvharish14988 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 02:51:02 EST 2011

Hello Everyone,

I'm trying out the Python wrapper for ITK.
I took the following code from one of the examples provided -

*from InsightToolkit import *
from numarray import *
from sys import argv
reader = itkImageFileReaderUC2_New()
connector = itkPyBufferUC2_New()
reader.SetFileName( argv[1] )
print "ready to convert image into array"
buffer = connector.GetArrayFromImage( reader.GetOutput() )
writer = itkImageFileWriterUC2_New()
writer.SetFileName( argv[2] )
print "ready to convert array into image"
writer.SetInput( connector.GetImageFromArray( buffer ) )

*Unfortunately, this does not work. I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SegBullEye.py", line 10, in <module>
    connector = itkPyBufferUC2_New()
NameError: name 'itkPyBufferUC2_New' is not defined

I have compiled numarray and all the python stuff successfully using the
advanced options in cmake. I don't know what can be causing this problem.
Reading some old posts from 2005/2006, I gather that other people have had
the same issues - I can't make out if they were fixed, or how they were

Please help.

Thanks in Anticipation,
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