[Insight-users] problem when I run project

michael ma michael8446 at 126.com
Tue Mar 15 20:53:52 EDT 2011

thank you so much.

which is the header necissary for getch? and _getch is the right use  of getch?
At 2011-03-15 20:25:39,"John Drescher" <drescherjm at gmail.com> wrote:
>2011/3/14 michael ma <michael8446 at 126.com>:
>> sorry to bother u again.
>> but when i put a getch() at the end of the main program,before return 0, when i built it . there is a error, it can  not genetrate .exe document.
>> where did i go wrong?
>You probably did not include the header necissary for getch. Or you
>may need to use _getch

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