[Insight-users] Run exe on a PC where itk is not installed

Cyrille Faucheux cyrille.faucheux at etu.univ-tours.fr
Wed Mar 16 10:11:18 EDT 2011

Otherwise you need to take the required libraries with your application.

For Qt, you need qtcore.dll and qtgui.dll. For itk, I don't remember. 
Check with Dependency Walker wich libraries are missing on your computer.

But as mentionned John, you also need to install the redistribuable for 
visual studio 2008.

Le 16/03/2011 14:28, John Drescher a écrit :
>> I'm trying to solve my Canny-Edge-Memory-Problem by running my application
>> on another PC.
>> I'm building my programm with Visual Studio Express C++ 2008, Qt4, qwt and
>> of course itk. Now I want to run the exe file on another PC. On this PC none
>> of the mentioned programms/libraries are installed. Does anybody of you know
>> how to compile the exe with static libraries (I guess thats the easiest way)
>> or does anybody of you has another suggestion?
> Turn off ITK_BUILD_SHARED rebuild itk and remember to install the
> visual studio redistributable for your compiler. You will not be able
> to use a debug build on the other machine without installing visual
> studio since the Microsoft debug libraries are not permitted to be
> distributed.
> John
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