[Insight-users] VTK to ITK conversion error

Abayiz abayiz at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 27 16:08:03 EDT 2011


I am trying to use a VTK based loader to load data, then convert it to ITK format to perform registration. But after the conversion, I found that the original data and the result data are not the same, I mean it seems like loses some kind of data information when converting. 
The data types I used are as follows:

const unsigned int Dimension = 3;
typedef float InternalPixelType;
typedef itk::Image< InternalPixelType, Dimension > InternalImageType;
typedef itk::VTKImageToImageFilter < InternalImageType >  VTK2ITKConnectorFilterType;

vtkImageCast* VtkCasterFixed = vtkImageCast::New(); // Casting to float in VTK is needed
VTK2ITKConnectorFilterType::Pointer VTK2ITKconnectorFixed = VTKImageToImageType::New();
VTK2ITKconnectorFixed->SetInput( VtkCasterFixed->GetOutput());

I used VTK to visualize the output of "VtkCasterFixed", and it was correct. So, the error should happened when I connect it to the "VTK2ITKConnectorFixed". The visualization result of "VTK2ITKConnectorFixed" is not the same as the original one. How can I fix this? 

Hope to receive your helpful suggestions. Thank you in advance! 


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