[Insight-users] Post to the list

Irving Dindoyal irving.dindoyal at istb.unibe.ch
Fri May 6 04:37:16 EDT 2011

  Source & Target Landmark confusion in ThinPlateSplineWarp.cxx example


I have images A and B and if I want to register landmarks in A to those 
in B, I would label A as moving and B as fixed.  I think in the 
ThinPlateSplineWarp.cxx example that source refers to moving and target 
refers to the fixed landmarks.

However, I've come across the following contribution that suggests that 
the source and target notation was reversed:

Could someone please clear up which way round the notation is for the 



"Water flowing through the cracks" - Mark Tan
Irving Dindoyal
Medical Image Analysis
University of Bern
Institute for Surgical Technology and Biomechanics
Stauffacherstrasse 78
CH-3014 Bern

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