[Insight-users] how i can get some local threshold filter in ITK

Quan mrvillage at 163.com
Wed May 18 02:18:22 EDT 2011

hello everyone:
    i want to get image filter to threhold the image,but the global threshold is not suggested becasue i need some local threshold.
    And i've searched the internet to find a solution,and i get an paper-'An Adaptive Thresholding Image Filter'  wrote by Kishore Mosaliganti et.   Unfortunately,errors occured when i run the code.  
Within the paper a filter called "itkAdaptiveOtsuThresholdImageFilter" was used. the error is located at itkBSplineScatteredDataPointSetToImageFilter.txx "   Description:itk::ERROR::PointSetToImageFilter<027CFD18>:The Collapse point component 108 is outside the corrseponding parametric domain of [0,108] "
   Anyone can point out what's wrong with the code or give me alternative solution,thanks.
   Sorry for my poor english as i'm not a native speaker.

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