[Insight-users] reply to adaptive threshold filter

robert tamburo robert.tamburo at gmail.com
Thu May 19 12:42:58 EDT 2011

I have not encountered this error. I have used this filter on a 2D, unsigned
char image with the following chunk of code:
  AdaptiveThresholdFilterType::Pointer adaptiveThresholder=
  adaptiveThresholder->SetInsideValue(255); // foreground of output image
  adaptiveThresholder->SetOutsideValue(0); // background of output image
  adaptiveThresholder->SetNumberOfControlPoints(10); // b-spline control
  adaptiveThresholder->SetNumberOfLevels(3); // number of b-spline levels
for reconstruction (3-5)
  adaptiveThresholder->SetNumberOfSamples(12); // number of points to
randomly sample
  CharImageType::SizeType radius;
  radius[0] = 20;
  radius[1] = 20;
  adaptiveThresholder->SetRadius(radius); // radius of sampling region

It would be helpful if you could make available (minimal) code and an image
that exhibits your problem (code and pictures are close to universal!).
Also, keep the discussion on the list.

2011/5/19 Quan <mrvillage at 163.com>

> hi robert tamburo:
> thanks for your help.in fact ,i also read the paper,and downnload the code
> at
> http://praxix.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/thresholdimage/
> but what bothers me is that some errors occured when i run the project,it
> makes so
> upset as i don't know much about itk ,so i don't know how to debug it.
> the error is located at *itkBSplineScatteredDataPointSetToImageFilter.txx
> *"  *Description:itk::ERROR::PointSetToImageFilter<027CFD18>:The Collapse
> point component 108 is outside the corrseponding parametric domain of
> [0,108] " *.have you ever met this kind of error,it seems that some other
> guy has the same problem with this filer,so i wanna a alternative mathod.Can
> u point out where is wrong and give me some advice?as i not native english
> speeker so it's hard for me  to get the useful infomation by searching the
> internet,and also ,you may fell hard to read my e-mail,but i will be
> appreaciate for your help.
> in addition ,how do you think about my english,bad,so-so,good,excellent,or
> D,C,B,A?
> thanks.
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