[Insight-users] how to extract the contour in a binary image

Vincent Garcia vincent.garcia at inria.fr
Sat May 21 03:02:59 EDT 2011

When you don't have specific tools to do that (as proposed in the previous email), an easy and fast way to obtain the contour(s) of a mask image (denoted M) is the following: 
Let D be the mask M dilated by one pixel. Then, the points on the contour are the pixel x where D(x)-M(x)=1. 
It's not perfect but it's easy and it works everytime, whatever the programming language (ITK, Matlab, etc.). 


Vincent Garcia 

----- Original Message -----

From: "robert tamburo" <robert.tamburo at gmail.com> 
To: "Quan" <mrvillage at 163.com> 
Cc: "insight-users" <insight-users at itk.org> 
Sent: Saturday, 21 May, 2011 5:49:20 AM 
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] how to extract the contour in a binary image 


2011/5/20 Quan < mrvillage at 163.com > 

hello everyone: 
i get a binary image ,the pixels==1 reprensent the foreground and pixels==0 represent background.Now i want to get the contour of the different regions.and i dont wanna use edge detectors like "LOG" or "Sobel".can anybody give me some advice?in addition,it seems that itk::ExtractImageFilter cannot do this task. 

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