[Insight-users] Link to library missing
Luis Ibanez
luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun May 29 15:52:51 EDT 2011
Hi Philippe,
Please do the following:
1) From your first email, send us the full error message:
not just:
'.so: undefined symbol: _ZVTN3itk11LightObjectE'.
We need to see what .so library was looking fro LightObject.
2) In that library do
ldd library.so
and let us know what you get,
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 3:23 AM, Philippe Tigreat
<philippe.tigreat at dosisoft.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your answer.
> I'm compiling with qmake in Linux.
> Here's the full text of the qmake-extras.pro file, that was written manually
> :
> ####################################################
> #
> #
> # Include path :
> # Add lines of the following form
> #
> # INCLUDEPATH += /path/to/include/dir1 /path/to/include/dir2
> # INCLUDEPATH += /path/to/include/dir3
> #
> # Libs :
> # Add lines of the following form
> #
> # LIBS += -L/path/to/lib/dir1
> # LIBS += -L/path/to/lib/dir2 -llibxx
> # LIBS += -llibyy
> #
> #
> #
> LIBS += -L$$(ITK_DIR)/bin \
> -lITKNumerics \
> -lITKIO \
> -lITKNrrdIO \
> -litkgdcm \
> -litkjpeg12 \
> -litkjpeg16 \
> -litkopenjpeg \
> -litkpng \
> -litktiff \
> -litkjpeg8 \
> -lITKSpatialObject \
> -lITKNumerics \
> -lITKCommon \
> -litkvnl_inst \
> -litkvnl_algo \
> -litkvnl \
> -litknetlib \
> -litkvcl \
> -lm \
> -litksys \
> -lITKMetaIO \
> -lITKDICOMParser \
> -lITKniftiio \
> -lITKznz \
> -litkzlib \
> -lm
> INCLUDEPATH += $$(ITK_DIR)/Utilities/vxl/core \
> $$(ITK_DIR)/Utilities/vxl/vcl \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Utilities/vxl/core \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Utilities/vxl/vcl \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Utilities \
> $$(ITK_DIR)/Utilities \
> $$(ITK_DIR)/Utilities/gdcm \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Utilities/nifti/znzlib \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Utilities/nifti/niftilib \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Utilities/expat \
> $$(ITK_DIR)/Utilities/expat \
> $$(ITK_DIR)/Utilities/DICOMParser \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Utilities/DICOMParser \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Utilities/NrrdIO \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Utilities/MetaIO \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/SpatialObject \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/Numerics/Statistics \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/Numerics/FEM \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/IO \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/Numerics \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/Common \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/BasicFilters \
> $$(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/Algorithms \
> $$(ITK_DIR)
> Luis Ibanez a écrit :
>> Hi Philippe,
>> The "LightObject" class should be in the ITKCommon library.
>> --
>> It looks like you are manually writing the Makefile for your
>> project, instead of using CMake to generate the Makefile
>> for you.
>> Is that the case ?
>> Do you really need to write your own Makefile ?
>> If so, Could you please post your full Makefile to the list ?
>> It looks like there is a bug on it.
>> Note that in Linux the order of the libraries in the
>> link line is important....
>> Luis
>> ------------------------------
>> On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Philippe Tigreat
>> <philippe.tigreat at dosisoft.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm having troubles compiling itk correctly with qmake. When I launch my
>>> application I get the error message : '.so: undefined symbol:
>>> _ZVTN3itk11LightObjectE'.
>>> I know it means that I have omitted to link one ITK library, but I fail
>>> to
>>> find which library is missing. Here's the list of all ITK libraries I
>>> have
>>> included in the qmake-extras.pro file :
>>> LIBS += -L${ITKDIR}/Binary/bin \
>>> -lITKAlgorithms \
>>> -lITKStatistics \
>>> -lITKFEM \
>>> -lITKBasicFilters \
>>> -lITKCommon \
>>> -lITKPatented \
>>> -lVXLNumerics \
>>> -lITKNumerics \
>>> -lITKReview \
>>> -lITKIO \
>>> -lITKNrrdIO \
>>> -litkgdcm \
>>> -litkjpeg12 \
>>> -litkjpeg16 \
>>> -litkopenjpeg \
>>> -litkpng \
>>> -litktiff \
>>> -litkjpeg8 \
>>> -lITKSpatialObject \
>>> -lITKNumerics \
>>> -litkvnl_inst \
>>> -litkvnl_algo \
>>> -litkvnl \
>>> -litkvcl \
>>> -lm \
>>> -litksys \
>>> -lITKMetaIO \
>>> -lITKDICOMParser \
>>> -lITKEXPAT \
>>> -lITKniftiio \
>>> -lITKznz \
>>> -litkzlib \
>>> -litknetlib
>>> and here is the list of paths :
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Code/Algorithms
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Code/BasicFilters
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Code/Common
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Code/Numerics
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Code/Numerics/FEM
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Code/Numerics/Statistics
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Utilities/MetaIO
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Utilities/NrrdIO
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Utilities/DICOMParser
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Utilities/expat
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Utilities/nifti/niftilib
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Utilities/nifti/znzlib
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Utilities/gdcm
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Code/Patented
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Code/Review
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Code/Review/Statistics/
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Code/SpatialObject
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Binary/Utilities/
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Binary/Utilities/itksys/
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Binary/Utilities/vxl/vcl
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Binary/Utilities/vxl/core/
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Binary/Utilities/vxl/core/vnl
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Utilities/
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Utilities/vxl/core
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Utilities/vxl/core/vnl
>>> INCLUDEPATH += ${ITKDIR}/Utilities/vxl/vcl
>>> Would there be a way to know which library is missing ? Or would the
>>> problem
>>> possibly come from something else ?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Best regards
>>> Philippe Tigréat
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