[Insight-users] CMake error with WrapITK

David Chen dchen at mail.nih.gov
Tue Nov 22 13:15:25 EST 2011

I'm trying to build ITKv4 with USE_WRAP_ITK on for use with Python.  When I run CMake I get the following error message:

CMake Error: The inter-target dependency graph contains the following strongly connected component (cycle):
  "ITKHighDimensionalOptimizersSwig" of type UTILITY
    depends on "ITKHighDimensionalMetricsSwig" (strong)
  "ITKHighDimensionalMetricsSwig" of type UTILITY
    depends on "ITKHighDimensionalOptimizersSwig" (strong)
At least one of these targets is not a STATIC_LIBRARY.  Cyclic dependencies are allowed only among static libraries.

Any help would be appreciated.


David T. Chen, PhD                      [MSC contractor]
mailto:dchen at mail.nih.gov               http://erie.nlm.nih.gov/~dave
phone:301.435.3264                      iphone:301.524.3174
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine

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