[Insight-users] Reading DICOM image ( Debug Assertion Failed!)

Antonio Gómez Barquero agb1 at alu.upct.es
Fri Nov 25 08:48:18 EST 2011


Hi to all ITK users!,


I want to read a Series of DICOM image to convert them into a 3D image.

I follow the example in the documentation: "
Examples/IO/DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx" .

I get the following error in debug mode while execution:

" Debug Assertion Failed ! . Vector Iterator not derefencable"


The code is the below ( I also send the files attached to the e-mail for
easy checking), first the header:

#ifndef Reg_mono3D_H

#define Reg_mono3D_H


// Antonio Gómez Barquero ( GTTS-UPCT)

// @: agb1 at alu.upct.es

// 25/11/2011

// reg mono 3D header


#include <iostream>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "math.h"

#include "itkImage.h"

#include "fftw3.h"


// for reading DICOM IMAGES

#include "itkGDCMImageIO.h"

#include "itkGDCMSeriesFileNames.h"

#include "itkImageSeriesReader.h"

#include "itkImageFileWriter.h"


using namespace std;


class Reg_mono_3D


      // Variables


      typedef double          PixelType;

      typedef itk::Image< PixelType, 3 > ImageType; // 3D image


      // Instancia el tipo del lector de series

      typedef itk::ImageSeriesReader< ImageType > ReaderType;

      typedef itk::GDCMImageIO ImageIOType; // para el funcionamiento
interno del formato DICOM


      typedef itk::GDCMSeriesFileNames NamesGeneratorType; //for using
additional DICOM information to distinguish unique volumes

//within the directory

      typedef std::vector< std::string > SeriesIdContainer; // para los
ID-SERIES de las imagenes DICOM


      typedef std::vector< std::string > FileNamesContainer; // para los
nombres de los archivos asociados a las series de imagenes


      Reg_mono_3D::Reg_mono_3D(); // Constructor

      ~Reg_mono_3D(void); // Destructor


      void ejecuta_programa();





#endif //



And the 'cpp' file :

#include "Reg_mono_3D.h"

#include <iostream>

#include <limits>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#include "fftw3.h"

#include "math.h"



// Antonio Gómez Barquero ( GTTS-UPCT)

// @: agb1 at alu.upct.es

// 25/11/2011


// reg mono 3D 


using namespace std;


#define PI 3.14159265









int main()


      cout<<" REGISTRO MONOMODAL EN 3D [GTTS-UPCT]"<<endl;

      Reg_mono_3D reg;




void Reg_mono_3D::ejecuta_programa(){


      // Reading a 2D DICOM Series and Writing a Volume -- HACER UN MÉTODO

      ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();


      ImageIOType::Pointer dicomIO = ImageIOType::New(); //This object is
the one that is aware of the internal intricacies of the DICOM format.

      reader->SetImageIO( dicomIO );


      NamesGeneratorType::Pointer nameGenerator = NamesGeneratorType::New();

nameGenerator->SetUseSeriesDetails( true ); 

      nameGenerator->SetDirectory( "C:\\Documents and Settings\\GTTS\\Mis
documentos\\Visual Studio


      //The GDCMSeriesFileNames object first identifies the list of DICOM
series that are present in

      //the given directory. We receive that list in a reference to a
container of strings

      const SeriesIdContainer & seriesUID = nameGenerator->GetSeriesUIDs();

      SeriesIdContainer::const_iterator seriesItr = seriesUID.begin();

      SeriesIdContainer::const_iterator seriesEnd = seriesUID.end();

      while( seriesItr != seriesEnd )


            std::cout << seriesItr->c_str() << std::endl;




      std::string seriesIdentifier;

      seriesIdentifier = seriesUID.begin()->c_str();


      //We pass the series identifier to the name generator and ask for all
the filenames associated to

      //that series. This list is returned in a container of strings by the
GetFileNames() method

      FileNamesContainer fileNames;


      fileNames = nameGenerator->GetFileNames( seriesIdentifier );


      reader->SetFileNames( fileNames );






      catch (itk::ExceptionObject &ex)


            cout << ex << std::endl;




} //fin ejecuta programa


Thanks for the help!!!

Antonio Gómez Barquero

Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones -Becario Investigador asociado a Actividades
de I+D+I 

GTTS ( Grupo de Tratamiento y Teoría de la Señal)[  <http://gtts.upct.es/>

UPCT (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena)[  <http://www.upct.es/>


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