[Insight-users] Registration Problem

elaheh kohan elaheh_kohan at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 16 04:05:50 EDT 2011

Hello all
I am working on project that is about slice to volume registration.
I wrote a code by Mathlab. The code works in such a manner:
we have a slice(for example an image  of heart), and initial guess where this image is located in the cube or volume, the initial guess is defined by means of rotation and translation of the center of the cube.
we have a function that define the difference between images(Metric function). as such as we have smaller difference, we will find better match, So the problem is  an optimization problem to find the minimum.
 I used the functions from optimization toolbar of mathlab and implemented the code.
The code works very well on data that I loaded from matlab(load mri),
but it does not work at all on other data that I have. It is CT data that I take it from my advisor.
Sombody can haelp me what is the problem? 
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