[Insight-users] Inputs do not pccupy the same physical space!

Johnson, Hans J hans-johnson at uiowa.edu
Thu Oct 20 18:38:54 EDT 2011

I would state that the program must not be correctly respecting the image orientations in a way that is compatible with ITK's notion of sameness.

Hans J. Johnson, Ph.D.
hans-johnson at uiowa.edu<mailto:hans-johnson at uiowa.edu>
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
W278 GH, 200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Phone:  319-353-8587

From: "Miller, James V (GE Global Research)" <millerjv at ge.com<mailto:millerjv at ge.com>>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 22:10:24 +0000
To: Bill Lorensen <bill.lorensen at gmail.com<mailto:bill.lorensen at gmail.com>>
Cc: "insight-users at itk.org<mailto:insight-users at itk.org>" <insight-users at itk.org<mailto:insight-users at itk.org>>, Hui Tang - TNW <H.Tang at tudelft.nl<mailto:H.Tang at tudelft.nl>>, "Miller, James V (GE Global Research)" <millerjv at ge.com<mailto:millerjv at ge.com>>
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Inputs do not pccupy the same physical space!

Current tolerance is 1e-6 which is usually a good tolerance when comparing floats.

These two images have a difference in origin of 1e-5 in the y-coordinate.


On Oct 20, 2011, at 5:39 PM, Bill Lorensen wrote:


We recently added this check. Looks like we need to add a tolerance to the check.

I'ved cc'ed Jim Miller. He added the new check.

Can you point us to the datasets?


On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 2:31 PM, Hui Tang - TNW <H.Tang at tudelft.nl<mailto:H.Tang at tudelft.nl>> wrote:

Dear ITK user,

I got this error

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'itk::ExceptionObject'
  what():  /home/htang/Programs/ITK4/ITK/Modules/Core/Common/include/itkImageToImageFilter.hxx:253:
itk::ERROR: xxxxxxxxxxxtImageFilter(0x166f080): Inputs do not occupy the same physical space!
InputImage Origin: [0.117188, 12.0703, 104.7], InputImage1 Origin: [0.117188, 12.0703, 104.7]

when I read one image.

I did

software1.exe -i input.mhd -o output1.mhd

software2.exe -m output1.mhd -n input2.mhd -o output2.mhd

software1 is built on ITK3

software2 is built on ITK4

If I replace output1.mhd with  input2.mhd , software 2 does not give any error.

(do  software2.exe -m input2.mhd -n input2.mhd -o output2.mhd)

The weird thing is if I visually check output1.mhd and  inpput2.mhd, they do not look different, but their position of origion  differs slightly.

 the origins are:






I would appreciate you if you can help me to solve this problem, thanks a lot!!!

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Jim Miller
Senior Scientist
GE Research
Interventional and Therapy

GE imagination at work

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