[Insight-users] [vtkusers] converting from vtk to itk and back again

Jothy jothybasu at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 05:19:47 EDT 2011

Hi Mark,

I wonder whether you can use vtkImageToImageFilter to hold the image data
from the exporter.

Any way I use the itkVTKImageToImageFilter to do the conversion and it works
well for me.

Here is the snippet

typedef itk::Image<unsigned int,3> ImageType;

     typedef itk::VTKImageToImageFilter<ImageType>VTKImageToImageType;

     VTKImageToImageType::Pointer converter=VTKImageToImageType::New();



On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 5:59 AM, Mark Roden <mmroden at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've looked on google and the various newsgroups and have not found
> the answer to what I thought was a pretty straightforward question.
> I have a vtkImageData object that has been obtained... somehow.  I do
> not have the pipeline at this point, just the output.  The user could
> have done any number of things to have arrived at this point, and so I
> store a vtkImageData that has been DeepCopied off of the end of
> whatever pipeline was employed.
> I then want to save that image in the Analyze format.  A coworker made
> his own reader/writer using the information that Mayo put out, but the
> resulting files don't appear to be oriented correctly.  I want to
> verify if his version is producing a bug, and I wanted to use the itk
> version of the writing plugin to do the work.
> Here's what I have:
> #include "vtkImageExport.h"
> #include <itkVTKImageImport.h>
> #include "itkImageFileWriter.h"
> #include "itkAnalyzeImageIO.h"
> #include "itkImage.h"
> #include "itkOrientedImage.h"
> #endif
> void saveAnalyzeImage(vtkImageData * const image, const QString &file) {
>    //this code is done using ITK, and so requires that ITK be included
>    typedef itk::OrientedImage< signed short, 3 > CTImage;
>    typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< CTImage> CTWriter;
>    typedef itk::VTKImageImport<CTImage> VTKImageImportType;
>    CTWriter::Pointer theWriter = CTWriter::New();
>    theWriter->SetFileName(file.toStdString().c_str());
>    vtkImageExport* theExporter = vtkImageExport::New();
>    theExporter->SetInput(image);
>    VTKImageImportType::Pointer vtkImageToImageFilter =
> VTKImageImportType::New();
>    theExporter->SetOutput(vtkImageToImageFilter);
>    vtkImageToImageFilter->Update();
>    theWriter->SetInput(vtkImageToImageFilter->GetOutput());
>    itk::AnalyzeImageIO::Pointer analyzeIO = itk::AnalyzeImageIO::New();
>    theWriter->SetImageIO(analyzeIO);
>    try {
>        theWriter->Update();
>    } catch(itk::ExceptionObject ex){
>        return; //do something else here for error handling
>    }
>    theWriter->Delete();
>    vtkImageToImageFilter->Delete();
>    analyzeIO->Delete();
>    return;
> #else
>    //do the other code instead
> #endif
> }
> This code is not compiling, because
> theExporter->SetOutput(vtkImageToImageFilter) doesn't work.  I've also
> tried just using the VTKImageImportType object directly, but that does
> not have a SetInput method.  As could be guessed from the code, I also
> tried vtkImageToImageFilter, but that appears to be a deprecated
> leftover from 2004 or so.  Unless there's some include file I'm not
> finding?
> All I really want is for vtk to read and write analyze files.  Barring
> that, I want to be able to seamlessly convert from a vtkImageData
> object to an itk::Image object so I can use itk's analyze export and
> importing functions.  How can I fix that code to make it work?
> Thanks,
> Mark
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Jothybasu K Selvaraj
PhD Student
University of Liverpool
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