[Insight-users] container for iterators of images

alex Dowson alexdowson at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 23 09:08:48 EDT 2012


Look at this examples


From: Hila Hiler 
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 5:57 PM
To: insight-users at itk.org 
Subject: [Insight-users] container for iterators of images

Hi All,

I'd like to generate a new image by summarizing some other images in the same dimensions.
So I generated a new image and a std::list for the images iterators. (actually, I thought that this dynamic container is the best way to mange an unknown number of images)

For now, it isn't working because I don't know how to forward the image's iterator from that vector. in other words, how do I do the same as: output_it++ from a vector?

Here is my code:

    typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator            <ImageType>            iteratorType;
    typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator    <ImageType>            constIteratorType;

    constIteratorType    first_it    (first_img, first_img->GetRequestedRegion()); 
    iteratorType            output_it (output_img, output_img-> GetRequestedRegion());

    std::list<constIteratorType> list;
    std::list<constIteratorType>::iterator it;


    if (second_img.IsNotNull())
        constIteratorType second_it (second_img, second_img->GetRequestedRegion()); 
        list.push_back (second_it);

    //initialize all the iterators at the begin of input images
    for(it = list.begin(); it < list.end(); it++)

    for(output_it.GoToBegin(); !output_it.IsAtEnd(); ++output_it)
        for(it = list.begin(); it < list.end(); it++)//move on the images and get at each iteration the pixel value and insert to the new image
            output_val = it->Get() + output_val;  //get values from each image and insert in the output image
            // How do I forward the image's iterator from here ?????


Any thoughts would be very welcome ...

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