[Insight-users] ITK 4.1.0 Build problems with JOM
Bradley Lowekamp
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Mon Apr 23 10:29:24 EDT 2012
Thanks for reporting the issue.
As for your VS2005 issue, we have realized that the itk Header tests generate too many targets for certain Visual Studio IDE. These are defined in the file CMake/ITKModuleHeaderTest.cmake. The tests have been excluded for VS2010, from your report is sounds like they should be excluded from 2005 ( VS8 ) as well. Currently if testing is disabled then these HeaderTests will also be disabled, so I would suspect that this IDE would be stable for you. Have you tested that?
I have not heard for JOM before. Hopefully, someone else will chime in on that ticket.
On Apr 20, 2012, at 5:28 PM, Rupert Brooks wrote:
> Done. Issue # ITK ITK-2919
> Once again, im happy to take a shot at fixing it if someone can give
> me a pointer where to start looking. I realize theres probably not a
> lot of Visual 2005/JOM users out there. What macros create the
> ITKTargets.cmake file?
> Have a good weekend
> Rupert
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Rupert Brooks
> rupert.brooks at gmail.com
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 16:07, Bradley Lowekamp <blowekamp at mail.nih.gov> wrote:
>> Hello Rupert,
>> Could you please report this issue into the ITK issue tracker:
>> http://issues.itk.org
>> Thanks,
>> Brad
>> On Apr 20, 2012, at 1:22 PM, Rupert Brooks wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm trying to use itk 4.1.0 using Visual Studio 2005, in 32 bit. The
>> IDE is very unstable (read, unusuable) due to the number of projects
>> that are created, a problem thats been noted here before. To work
>> around this, i started using JOM, which is a multithreaded NMake
>> clone. It seems to build faster anyway.
>> ITK4.1.0 builds fine with JOM, however, I cant link any projects
>> against it. They fail to find some libraries, because the name of the
>> library set by the FindITK Cmake process is incorrect.
>> This seems to be because the ITKTargets.cmake has errors.
>> Specifically, when building with JOM, there are no entries in the
>> ITKTargets.cmake corresponding to some, but not all of the ITK
>> Libraries. These entries are necessary because they tag the -4.1
>> extension on the name of the library. So with JOM, some get put in,
>> and some dont.
>> I find it particularly strange how all the libraries get passed
>> through correctly for Visual Studio, but only some do for JOM. If
>> they all failed to pass through it would be easier to understand.
>> I am having trouble parsing the maze of CMake commands that actually
>> ends up setting this filename to determine what is the difference
>> between the modules that work and those that dont. I dont mind
>> debugging more if somebody could give me a pointer where to look.
>> The list of ITK Libraries follows. As you can see - some but not all
>> get put into the ITKTargets.cmake. Those that dont end up with just
>> the lib name.
>> Cheers,
>> Rupert
>> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itksys-4.1.lib
>> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkvnl_algo-4.1.lib
>> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkvnl-4.1.lib
>> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkv3p_netlib-4.1.lib
>> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\ITKCommon-4.1.lib
>> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkNetlibSlatec-4.1.lib
>> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\ITKStatistics-4.1.lib
>> ITKIOImageBase.lib
>> ITKIOBioRad.lib
>> itkopenjpeg.lib
>> itkzlib.lib
>> gdcmDICT.lib
>> gdcmMSFF.lib
>> itkjpeg.lib
>> itktiff.lib
>> ITKMetaIO.lib
>> ITKIOMeta.lib
>> ITKznz.lib
>> ITKniftiio.lib
>> ITKNrrdIO.lib
>> itkpng.lib
>> ITKIOStimulate.lib
>> ITKMesh.lib
>> ITKSpatialObjects.lib
>> ITKPath.lib
>> ITKLabelMap.lib
>> ITKQuadEdgeMesh.lib
>> ITKOptimizers.lib
>> ITKPolynomials.lib
>> ITKBiasCorrection.lib
>> ITKBioCell.lib
>> ITKFFT.lib
>> ITKDICOMParser.lib
>> ITKIOSpatialObjects.lib
>> ITKFEM.lib
>> ITKIOGE.lib
>> ITKIOSiemens.lib
>> ITKKLMRegionGrowing.lib
>> ITKVTK.lib
>> ITKWatersheds.lib
>> ITKDeprecated.lib
>> ITKgiftiio.lib
>> ITKIOMesh.lib
>> itkhdf5_cpp.lib
>> itkhdf5.lib
>> ITKIOHDF5.lib
>> ITKIOTransformBase.lib
>> ITKIOTransformHDF5.lib
>> ITKIOTransformInsightLegacy.lib
>> ITKIOTransformMatlab.lib
>> ITKOptimizersv4.lib
>> ITKReview.lib
>> ITKVideoCore.lib
>> ITKVideoIO.lib
>> ITKVideoBridgeOpenCV.lib
>> ws2_32.lib
>> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\ITKVNLInstantiation-4.1.lib
>> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkv3p_lsqr-4.1.lib
>> E:\ext\ITK-4.1.0-R\lib\itkvcl-4.1.lib
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rupert Brooks
>> rupert.brooks at gmail.com
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>> ========================================================
>> Bradley Lowekamp
>> Medical Science and Computing for
>> Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
>> National Library of Medicine
>> blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Bradley Lowekamp
Medical Science and Computing for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
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