[Insight-users] embarassingly basic question

Torsten Rohlfing torsten at synapse.sri.com
Thu Apr 26 13:04:21 EDT 2012

Hi -

Had the same problem. Doesn't seem to be a good solution in current C++, 
but C++11 may have the right thing:


Alternatively, I was thinking C-style varargs, but apparently that ain't 
such a great idea:



Torsten Rohlfing, PhD          SRI International, Neuroscience Program
  Senior Research Scientist      333 Ravenswood Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025
   Phone: ++1 (650) 859-3379      Fax: ++1 (650) 859-2743
    torsten at synapse.sri.com        http://www.stanford.edu/~rohlfing/

      "Though this be madness, yet there is a method in't"

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