[Insight-users] Fwd: Average of multiple image files

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 12:45:42 EDT 2012

> Hi,
> I want to create an average image of multiple files. I am reading all files
> and create a dividend image that is a sum of all images and then use the
> divide image filter and divide the dividend float image with a constant
> image having pixel values equal to the number of images summed up. I am
> having issues adding multiple images to the dividend image. Below is the
> function I have written. I see that SetRequestedRegion is a virtual
> function.

Most functions in ITK are virtual functions :) Can you explain the
problem you having? Or better, provide the smallest compilable,
self-contained example of the problem. That is, rather than reading
images from files, generate some random images programmatically and
then call your function with them.


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