[Insight-users] Desperation: performing itkfilters on a subset (e.g. slice) on a 3D Image

Dan Mueller dan.muel at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 18:05:32 EDT 2012

Hi AD,

You might be interested in the slice-by-slice image filter:

This applies a filter to all slices, one slice at a time.


Cheers, Dan

On 24 August 2012 23:55, A D <callidus.713 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone!
> Thus my former post didn't get any attention, I try a new one with preciser
> information. I would like to build up a small program, where a user could
> perform a filter (e.g. Threshold) on a slice (=2D image) from a 3D image.
> Now, I don't know how to solve this with ITK. I have used ExtractImageFilter
> to get a slice perform a filter and write it back into the volume with
> PasteImageFilterType but that doesn't work out.
> http://old.nabble.com/Can%27t-paste-Slice-back-into-3D-Volume-td34324209.html
> Then I tried Iterators, however with these I have to write my own filters,
> because I could manipulate on each pixels not on a hole 2D Image out of a 3D
> volume.
> If there exist an elegant way of doing this kind of task, please let me know
> as soon as possible.
> Yours Thankfully,
> AD
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