[Insight-users] How to test and use the N4ITK

Nicholas Tustison ntustison at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 09:55:47 EST 2012

I know a few people who use N4 and while they 
might not use the command line module that was
included in the Insight Journal, they do use some
form of command line or gui interface restricted to
the bias correction step.  Other processing steps 
are linked together with other gui modules or using
some form of scripting language.   

However, that being said,  you're certainly welcome to 
use it in your program although you'll probably need to
consult with the internals of N4.cxx to see how one
should use it.  Also, you might be interested to know that
N4 currently resides in the toolkit



On Jan 4, 2012, at 9:42 AM, Wenwu wrote:

> Hi  Nicholas,
> Thank you very much! you are right! Now I can run the N4 using the command line!  I use help commander and learn it, then found it seems
> directly provide the function of Bias field removal, namely, user input all relevant parameters, and the N4 output all results. 
> I was wondering if i want to call it in my program, how to do it? Is everyone use the N4 just under command line for the preprocessing?
> Thank you again!
> wenwu
> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 3:17 PM, Nicholas Tustison <ntustison at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Wenwu,
> You can ignore the class itkN3MRIBiasFieldCorrectionImageFilterTest as
> it was an early incarnation of N4.  If you've compiled N4 successfully, you
> should be able to type 'N4 --help' at the command line prompt and get
> usage information.  
> Nick
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 9:04 AM, cool.wenwu at gmail.com wrote:
>> HI everyone,
>> I'm a new user of the ITK and the N4ITK, now I want to use it because of my work. I have compile and build the N4ITK successfully. The environment is Visual Studio C++2008 express, ITK3.2, CMake2.6.
>> In the Visual Studio C++2008 IDE,  I saw the itkN3MRIBiasFieldCorrectionImageFilterTest, however, i do not know how to run the test project? IN addition, how to use this N4 to my personal program, how to write code in the CMakeLists?   I think it's easy for you! If you are familiar with it, please tell me! Thank you very much!! 
>> -- 
>> Wenwu Zhu
>> University of Strasbourg, France
>> Email address: cool.wenwu at gmail.com
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> -- 
> Wenwu Zhu
> University of Strasbourg, France
> Email address: cool.wenwu at gmail.com

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