[Insight-users] SimpleITK

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Fri Jan 13 08:46:13 EST 2012

Hello Yanling,

This is most certainly the right place to ask about SimpleITK. We have the informal convention of prefixing questions about SimpleITK with "SimpleITK:" in the subject line.

Are you using the initial binary release from back in September or did you build from the source. A lot of filters have been added since the initial beta binary release. The best way to look at the image filters currently wrapped is to look at the doxygen:


So we currently have over 180 image filters wrapped in the development branch of SimpleITK. What specific filters are you looking for that are not currently in the development branch?

It is certainly possible to re-use the SimpleITK typeless dispatch infrastructure to wrap the an "in-house" class. There should be an example of this in SimpleITK, so I'll add that to our issue tracker.

After the "in-house" class is wrapped with SimpleITK conventions in C++ SWIG is capable of wrapping it. I have not used SWIG's multi-module wrapping interface, so creating an example this is going to take more time. We would certainly appreciate  is a user was able to solve this and come up with an example before we are able.

Currently, the development effort is focusing on wrapping the filters already in ITK, and on the registration framework.

Please let us know is you have any other questions.


On Jan 10, 2012, at 2:12 PM, Yanling Liu wrote:

> Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I found no where else so please bear with me for a moment. : )
> Regarding to SimpleITK. It is very good and I like to use it. But I see SimpleITK doesn't include all ITK classes/filters. Is it the goal to be able to access all ITK classes through SimpleITK? What about the ITK classes in Reviews? Is it possible for a SimpleITK user to extend it to include in-house ITK filters (such as ITK filters created by myself but not in ITK source tree)?
> Thanks,
> Yanling
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Bradley Lowekamp  
Medical Science and Computing for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine 
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov

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