[Insight-users] itkMergeLabelMapFilter bug or misunderstanding

cagatay bilgin bilgincc at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 19:40:28 EST 2012

For future MergeLabelMapFilter users, the
following line solved my problem



On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 11:47 AM, cagatay bilgin <bilgincc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello and happy new years ITK community,
> I am having trouble understanding the output of
> itkMergeLabelMapFilter. I am attaching a
> simple program that creates 4 labelmaps
> each holding one label object. After running
> the mergelabelmapfilter, I expect to see
> a labelmap with 4 labelobjects in it, but for
> some reason there are 7 objects. When I look
> at the objects in the map, I see that some of
> them are repeated (not illustrated in the attached
> code). Could this be a bug or I am missing something
> here?
> Thank you,
> Cagatay
> #include "itkBinaryImageToShapeLabelMapFilter.h"
> #include "itkMergeLabelMapFilter.h"
> int
> main(int argc, char* argv[])
> {
>   // Input and Output image types
>   typedef itk::Image<int, 3> ImageType;
>   //Binary Image to Shape Label Map.
>   typedef itk::BinaryImageToShapeLabelMapFilter<ImageType> BI2SLMType;
>   typedef BI2SLMType::OutputImageType LabelMapType;
>   typedef BI2SLMType::LabelObjectType LabelObjectType;
>   typedef itk::MergeLabelMapFilter<LabelMapType> MergerType;
>   typename MergerType::Pointer merger = MergerType::New();
>   int noObjects = 4;
>   for(int i=1; i <= noObjects; i++){
>     LabelMapType::Pointer labelMap = LabelMapType::New();
>     LabelObjectType::Pointer labelObject = LabelObjectType::New();
>     labelObject->SetLabel(1);
>     labelMap->AddLabelObject(labelObject);
>     labelMap->Update();
>     merger->SetInput(i-1, labelMap);
>   }
>   merger->Update();
>   std::cout << "number of objects:  "
>             << merger->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfLabelObjects()
>             << "\n";
>   std::cout << "number of expected objects:  " << noObjects
>             << "\n";
>   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
> }
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