[Insight-users] InsightApplication itkVTKImageToImageFilter.hProblem

shong at diehard.snu.ac.kr shong at diehard.snu.ac.kr
Thu Jan 26 05:33:46 EST 2012

Thank you for all replies.

I still haven't got itkVTKImageToImageFilter.h header file,

but I have fixed my problem by using itkVTKImageImport and 



-----원본 메시지----- 
From: Félix C. Morency
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 3:03 AM
To: Miguel Sotaquirá
Cc: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] InsightApplication 


As Hans pointed out, the patch has been pushed in the master branch of ITK 

Just clone the repository and build the software with the Python
wrapper and the ItkVtkGlue module.


2012/1/25 Miguel Sotaquirá <msotaquira at gmail.com>:
> Félix,
> How can I install this update? I mean, should I build ITK 4.0 + Python and
> after that download the patch and build it?
> I've been trying to use ItkVtkGlue on ITK 3.20 with no success, so now I'm
> trying to compile ITK 4.0. However in ITK4.0 source dir I found vtkGlue 
> and
> itkVtkGlue. Does any of them can be used to interface vtk-itk/itk-vtk on
> python?
> Thanks,
> Miguel Sotaquira
> Sungmin,
> I have recently submitted a patch adding itkVTKImageToImageFilter and
> Python wrapper to VtkGlue. The patch have been approved. You can
> follow the update here:
> http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/3677/
> Regards,
> -Félix
> 2012/1/25  <shong at diehard.snu.ac.kr>:
>> Hello all,
>> I have used VTK for visualizing medical images, therefore all my medical
>> image data are VTK based formats.
>> I just installed ITK 4.0 and InsightApplicatio 4.0 using CMake 2.8,
>> but all header files I have in the InsightApplication folder is about
>> Image
>> Caculator.
>> I have more dlls and exes than headers.
>> Is there anybody who can explain why I got ImageCalculator related header
>> files, and how I can get
>> itkVTKImageToImageFilter.h?
>> Thank you in advance for all helps.
>> Regards,
>> Sungmin
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Félix C. Morency, M.Sc.
Plateforme d’analyse et de visualisation d’images
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke
Centre de recherche clinique Étienne-Le Bel
Local Z5-3031 | 819.346.1110 ext 16634
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