[Insight-users] ITK 4.0 migration problem with Amoeba optimizer and cardinal metrics

asertyuio asertyuio at yahoo.fr
Mon Jan 23 19:43:06 EST 2012

Hi Ziv,

Sorry for the delay, you were in my spam box...
Here is a zip file containing what you asked for.

The "test" file still use images for parameters, so I let code lines to 
handle it, I hope this will be ok for you.
If not, just tell !
All is written in the readme file.

thanks again !


PS: I made a mistake, I'm using the kappa metric...

Le 20/01/2012 21:55, Ziv Yaniv a écrit :
> Dear Yann,
> Can you replicate the problem in a small program? Something similar to 
> itkAmoebaOptimizerTest.cxx (Modules\Numerics\Optimizers\test).
> When I run this test and look at the reason the optimizer stops 
> (GetStopConditionDescription()) it does terminate before reaching the 
> maximum number of iterations.
>                                 regards
>                                              Ziv
> On 1/20/2012 12:50 PM, asertyuio wrote:
>> Thanks for ansering !
>> I haven't found any solution to my problem. Itk code seems to be the 
>> problem.
>> I can give my source and images if needed !
>> Yann
>> Le 18/01/2012 21:46, Cory Quammen a écrit :
>>> Yann,
>>> Ziv Yaniv did a lot of refactoring of this class for the ITK 4.0
>>> effort. Ziv, can you comment?
>>> - Cory
>>> On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 8:30 AM, asertyuio<asertyuio at yahoo.fr>  wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>>     I'm migrating from ITK 3.2 to ITK 4.0, and after fixing some litle
>>>> trouble around cmake, I'm on something that seems more problematic.
>>>> I write for ITK 3.2 a registration process, that was, for part of 
>>>> it, using
>>>> Amoeba optimizer, and cardinal matching metric.
>>>> It worked perfectly.
>>>> After migrating to ITK 4.0, Amoeba optimizer seems to stop only at the
>>>> maximum iteration number, and do not take account of other stop 
>>>> conditions,
>>>> like ParametersConvergenceTolerance or FunctionConvergenceTolerance.
>>>> The optimizer is still converging on a good solution.
>>>> An other thing that seems to be related, is that when I'm printing the
>>>> registration progress,
>>>> the metric value is shown as -1.#IND, so Not A Number. I get this 
>>>> value with
>>>> the following code :
>>>>     itk::SingleValuedCostFunction::MeasureType Value;
>>>>     Value = optimizer->GetCachedValue();
>>>>     if (Value!=Value){
>>>>         std::cout<<  "ok";
>>>>     }
>>>>     if (count>=5) {
>>>>         count=0;
>>>>         std::cout<<  IterationNumber<<  "   ";
>>>>         std::cout<<  Value<<  "   ";
>>>>         std::cout<<  parameters<<  std::endl;
>>>>     }
>>>> I've try to set Value as double, to print directly
>>>> optimizer->GetCachedValue() but it's giving the same result.
>>>> Does someone have any idea of where it comes from ?
>>>> In my code, I also use OnePlusOneEvolutionaryOptimizer, and MI metric
>>>> without these problems.
>>>> Thanks a lot !
>>>> Yann
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