[Insight-users] SegmentationEditor: TCL can't find package vtkinteraction

Roman Grothausmann roman.grothausmann at helmholtz-berlin.de
Wed Jul 18 08:50:20 EDT 2012

Found the problem. The TCLLIBPATH was to long, i.e. it should point to 
the parent directory of the tcl directory:


However, I now get an error: "invalid command name" (see below).
Luis recommends concerning this error here:
to use SegmentationEditorFltkGui, which I'm testing at the moment.

I wonder, if the TCL SegmentationEditor should be removed from future 
InsightApplications releases since it seems not functional any more.

me at work:~/programs/InsightApplications-4.1.1/SegmentationEditor/Scripts$ \\
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/vtk-5.10.0_dyn+py2.7+tcl/lib/vtk-5.10/ \\
TCLLIBPATH="/opt/vtk-5.10.0_dyn+py2.7+tcl/lib/vtk-5.10/" \\

Error in startup script: invalid command name "vtkTkImageViewerWidget"
     while executing
"vtkTkImageViewerWidget $f.$fr.viewer -iv $PreprocessorGlobals($keyWord)"
     (procedure "CreatePreprocessorRenderWindow" line 20)
     invoked from within
"CreatePreprocessorRenderWindow $f "source""
     (procedure "ConstructPreprocessorFrame" line 82)
     invoked from within
"ConstructPreprocessorFrame .preprocessorFrame"
     ("eval" body line 1)
     invoked from within
"eval [subst $function_name] .$suffix"
     ("foreach" body line 8)
     invoked from within
"foreach m $Globals(module_names) {
     set suffix [string tolower $m]
     append suffix "Frame"
     frame .$suffix
     set function_name "Construct"
     (file "Main.tcl" line 137)

On 06.07.2012 16:22, Roman Grothausmann wrote:
> Dear mailing list members,
> I'm trying to run the SegmentationEditor
> (http://www.itk.org/ITK/applications/segmentationeditor.html)
> When I do as told in the SegmentationEditor-readme:
> export  TCLLIBPATH="/opt/vtk-5.8.0_dyn+py2.7+tcl/lib/vtk-5.8/tcl/
> /opt/vtk-5.8.0_dyn+py2.7+tcl/lib/vtk-5.8/tcl/vtkinteraction/"
> ~/sda8/programme/InsightApplications-4.1.1/SegmentationEditor/Scripts$
> ~/sda8/programme/InsightApplications-4.1.1/build_vtk-5.8.0/SegmentationEditor/Wrapping/Tcl/WSTITK
> Main.tcl
> I get this error:
> Error in startup script: can't find package vtkinteraction
> adding as told in the TCL/README:
> source /opt/vtk-5.8.0_dyn+py2.7+tcl/lib/vtk-5.8/tcl/vtk/vtk.tcl
> package require vtk
> results in:
> Error in startup script: can't read "vtk::init::kits": no such variable
> Google only finds one post which was not answered
> (http://www.vtk.org/pipermail/vtk-developers/2003-October/002591.html).
> Can anybody help me with this VTK|TCL problem?
> Any help or hints are very much appreciated
> Roman

Roman Grothausmann

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
Bereich Funktionale Materialien
Institut für angewandte Materialforschung
Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1
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Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Joachim Treusch
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