[Insight-users] Open and view a stack of 3D slices (volume)

Mr Francesco Grussu francesco.grussu at eecs.qmul.ac.uk
Wed Jun 6 12:50:49 EDT 2012

Hello everyone,
I am new to ITK and I am trying to get familiar with ITK.

I have successfully build ITK 4.1.0 (downloaded from
), VTK 5.10.0 (downloaded from
http://www.vtk.org/VTK/resources/software.html#latest ) and the all set
ITK Wiki Examples Collection ( http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples ; this
has included and configured the ItkVtkGlue directory as well).

Using the DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx source priveded with ITK I have
successfully open a DICOM series (a set of 2d slices, each stored in a
single file) and saved the volume in a .nrrd file.

I am sure that now in that files the DICOM volume is stored correctly,
since I opend and displayed it with the MITK 3M3 (
http://www.mint-medical.de/productssolutions/mitk3m3/mitk3m3/ ).

Now I would like to open that .nrrd file and display it writing my own
main.cpp .

I first tried to use the simple Image Reader from the wiki examples (
http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples/IO/ImageFileReader ) but it enables
me to open the data (I made sure to set 3 as image dimension) but not to
display them, since the Quickview class seems to be not suitable for 3D

then, I tried to use the Image-ITK-to-Image-VTK-filter (
http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples/IO/ImageToVTKImageFilter ): this is
able to load the data and show them, but they are not shown properly; only
a single distorted slice is shown.

Could anyone please suggest me how to open and view a 2D stack of slices
(i.e. a volumetric 3D image) stored in a .nrrd file?
to be honest, my final goal is to open that file and segment some
anatomical structures, and, if possible, view both the raw data and the
segmented data...

Thanks a lot,
best wishes


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