[Insight-users] Running the FastMarchingImageFilter.cxx example on 3D data

Mr Francesco Grussu francesco.grussu at eecs.qmul.ac.uk
Fri Jun 8 12:02:15 EDT 2012

Dear all,
I am trying to run the FastMarchingImageFilter.cxx example from the ITK
Software Guide 2.4.0 ( http://www.itk.org/ITK/resources/software.html ) in
order to apply a Fast Marching Level Set Segmentation on my own data.

My data are a stack of 260 512x512 2D slices stored in a .nrrd file coming
from a DICOM series. I have successfully modified the code of the
FastMarchingImageFilter.cxx example (which deals with a 2D image) in order
to handle 3D data...

The grey level of the voxel are stored as floating point data and range
from about -1000 to just under +2000.

I now the three coordinates of a suitable seed point, but I have no idea
about the other parameters (sigma, alfa, beta, Time Threshold, Stopping
Value as well as the parameters for the
CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter called int the example).

Does anyone have even a rough idea about a suitable way to estimate good
values of that parameters before running the algorithm?

Thanks a lot in advance,
my regards,


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