[Insight-users] Error installing ITK on Vista VC++ 2008

Kent Ogden ogdenk at upstate.edu
Wed Mar 7 08:24:32 EST 2012

When I get this problem, I always make sure that I run VS as an administrator.  Just right click the VS icon in the start menu, you should see 'Run as an Administrator' as an option. 


>>> John Drescher <drescherjm at gmail.com> 3/7/2012 08:02 AM >>>
> Hi.
> I'm a newbie in ITK. I have received this message error, while I was
> installing ITK on Windows Vista -32 bit, using Visual C++ 2008:
> Install configuration: "Release"
> CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:31 (FILE):
>  file cannot create directory: C:/Program Files/ITK/lib/cmake/ITK-4.0.
>  Maybe need administrative privileges.
> Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code of "Post-compiling
> event in progress.."
> How can I solve it?

Change the install folder specified in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to a
location you have permissions to install or do not use the INSTALL
target. I highly recommend the latter if you enabled shared libraries.
The reason is you can not mix release and debug builds so you can not
INSTALL the release version of itk or any other dlls then try to later
run the debug version of your program.

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