[Insight-users] libinsighttoolkit3-java - Ubuntu Package

Jonathan Ruiz Peinado jonathan.ruiz3 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 14:27:33 EST 2012

Hi all , I just started with ITK lib (through java wrapper on Ubuntu 11.10)
and my first try hasn't been very good, I've installed the
ibinsighttoolkit3-java package, some dependencies and the examples package,
so far everything went fine in the installation but when I tried to load
one example (DicomSliceRead.java) I found  some missing classes errors.


Well all clases realated to itk really weren't recognized ..

I've tried to run it through netbeans, eclipse and command line , seems
that the jar file (/usr/share/java/InsightToolkit.jar) provided by the
ubuntu package doesn't have this classes, am I right?
How can I run the examples using the official packages?
do someone got the same problem?

I'm currently building the sources of the new itk version 4 to see what
happens, but I think would be better to start messing using the ubuntu's
official package.

The whole example is:

 * Example on the use of DicomImageIO for reading a single DICOM slice,
 * the intensities and save it in a different file format.

import InsightToolkit.*;

public class DicomSliceRead
  public static void main( String argv[] )
    System.out.println("DicomSliceRead Example");

    itkImageFileReaderUS2_Pointer reader =
    itkImageFileWriterUC2_Pointer writer =

    itkRescaleIntensityImageFilterUS2UC2_Pointer filter =

    filter.SetInput( reader.GetOutput() );
    writer.SetInput( filter.GetOutput() );

    itkDicomImageIO_Pointer dicomIO = itkDicomImageIO.itkDicomImageIO_New();

    reader.SetImageIO( dicomIO.GetPointer() );

    filter.SetOutputMinimum( (short)0 );
    filter.SetOutputMaximum( (short) 255);

    reader.SetFileName( argv[0] );
    writer.SetFileName( argv[1] );



Thanks in advance.
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