[Insight-users] Right Ventricle Segmentation Challenge

Dženan Zukić dzenanz at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 11:07:05 EDT 2012

For converting images, I adapted an example.

2012/3/22 Dženan Zukić <dzenanz at gmail.com>

> Dear list members,
> is anyone participating in RVSC <http://www.litislab.eu/rvsc>? If yes,
> have you already converted the images from they provide into some format
> which is more convenient to handle using ITK (such as 4D .mha)? What about
> the converting contours to triangular mesh (or poly mesh)?
> If yes, can you share the code/script for doing that? Is anyone else
> interested in this conversion besides me?
> Regards,
> Dženan
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