[Insight-users] How to set sizes of images

Hila Hiler hilahiler at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 11:40:29 EDT 2012

Thank you Dzenan,

actually, I looked again at the image's details. It seems that the
alignment process might be more complex than I thought because not just the
dimension are different but also the spacing, origin etc.

The details are attached.
please help to figure this up ...

2012/3/22 Dženan Zukić <dzenanz at gmail.com>

> http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1ResampleImageFilter.html
> use identity transform, and at least linear interpolation (better cubic or
> windowed sinc)
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 13:16, Hila Hiler <hilahiler at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have two itk images in 3D which are alined to each other bit have a
>> different size, and I'd like to set their dimensions to be equals.
>> the size of one of them is: dim1=[x y z ] and I'd like it to be as the
>> other one size which is: dim2=[x+a y+b z-c] while a,b,c>0
>> so I'd like the image size to be changed from im1[dim1] => im1[dim2]
>> How I should do that?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Best,
>> Hila
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	Image 1
  Image (14F1B178)
     Dimension: 3
     Dimensions: 185 404 159 
     Channel: Unnamed [scalar]
     PixelType: short
     BitsPerElement: 2
     NumberOfComponents: 1
     BitsPerComponent: 16

     TimeSlicedGeometry:     TimeSlicedGeometry (14F903F0)
       EvenlyTimed: 1
       TimeSteps: 1

       GetGeometry3D(0):       SlicedGeometry3D (14C64538)
          0.488281 -0 -0 
          -0 0.488281 -0 
          0 0 1 
        Offset: [-93.76, -106.98, -46.2373]
        Center: [0, 0, 0]
        Translation: [-93.76, -106.98, -46.2373]
          2.048 0 0 
          0 2.048 0 
          0 0 1 
        Scale : 1 1 1 
         BoundingBox:         ( 0,185 0,404 0,159  )
         Origin: [-93.76, -106.98, -46.2373]
         ImageGeometry: 1
         Spacing: [0.488281, 0.488281, 1]
         TimeBounds: [-3.40282e+038, 3.40282e+038]
         EvenlySpaced: 1
         DirectionVector: [0, 0, 1]
         Slices: 159

         GetGeometry2D(0):         PlaneGeometry (14F90188)
            0.488281 0 0 
            0 0.488281 0 
            0 0 1 
          Offset: [-93.76, -106.98, -46.2373]
          Center: [0, 0, 0]
          Translation: [-93.76, -106.98, -46.2373]
            2.048 0 0 
            0 2.048 0 
            0 0 1 
          Scale : 1 1 1 
           BoundingBox:           ( 0,185 0,404 0,1  )
           Origin: [-93.76, -106.98, -46.2373]
           ImageGeometry: 1
           Spacing: [0.488281, 0.488281, 1]
           TimeBounds: [-3.40282e+038, 3.40282e+038]
           ScaleFactorMMPerUnitX: 0.488281
           ScaleFactorMMPerUnitY: 0.488281
           Normal: [0, 0, 1]

	image 2
	 Image (14CB59E0)
     Dimension: 3
     Dimensions: 158 158 486 
     Channel: Unnamed [scalar]
     PixelType: float
     BitsPerElement: 4
     NumberOfComponents: 1
     BitsPerComponent: 32

     TimeSlicedGeometry:     TimeSlicedGeometry (14C9ADC0)
       EvenlyTimed: 1
       TimeSteps: 1

       GetGeometry3D(0):       SlicedGeometry3D (14DF1B18)
          0.5 0 0 
          0 0.5 0 
          0 0 0.5 
        Offset: [-64.9922, -33.7281, -132.515]
        Center: [0, 0, 0]
        Translation: [-64.9922, -33.7281, -132.515]
          2 0 0 
          0 2 0 
          0 0 2 
        Scale : 1 1 1 
         BoundingBox:         ( 0,158 0,158 0,486  )
         Origin: [-64.9922, -33.7281, -132.515]
         ImageGeometry: 1
         Spacing: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
         TimeBounds: [-3.40282e+038, 3.40282e+038]
         EvenlySpaced: 1
         DirectionVector: [0, 0, 1]
         Slices: 486

         GetGeometry2D(0):         PlaneGeometry (14C99F20)
            0.5 0 0 
            0 0.5 0 
            0 0 0.5 
          Offset: [-64.9922, -33.7281, -132.515]
          Center: [0, 0, 0]
          Translation: [-64.9922, -33.7281, -132.515]
            2 0 0 
            0 2 0 
            0 0 2 
          Scale : 1 1 1 
           BoundingBox:           ( 0,158 0,158 0,1  )
           Origin: [-64.9922, -33.7281, -132.515]
           ImageGeometry: 1
           Spacing: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
           TimeBounds: [-3.40282e+038, 3.40282e+038]
           ScaleFactorMMPerUnitX: 0.5
           ScaleFactorMMPerUnitY: 0.5
           Normal: [0, 0, 0.5]

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