[Insight-users] bug in the example "DeformableRegistration15.cxx" of the itk.4.1.0
Francisco Oliveira
francisco.oliveira at fe.up.pt
Fri May 4 11:31:43 EDT 2012
Hi everyone,
I have an issue I think is a bug:
In the registration example "DeformableRegistration15.cxx" (itk-4.1.0)
the bulk transform is not added to the Bsplinedeformation, and there is
not a method to set the bulk transform.
In a previous version of the ITK (itk-3.20.0), for the same example,
the bulk transform is added via "SetBulkTransform" method, but instead
using the class itk::BSplineTransform <CoordinateRepType,
SpaceDimension, SplineOrder> in that example it is used the class
itk::BSplineDeformableTransform <CoordinateRepType, SpaceDimension,
I think this is the reason why the program built based on the
"DeformableRegistration15.cxx" (itk-4.1.0) crashes when starts the
Bspline deformation. It gives the following message after complet the
affine registration:
Starting Deformable Registration Coarse Grid
ExceptionObject caught!
itk::ExceptionObject (00BAF9F8)
Location: "void _thiscall
itk::MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric< class
itk::Image<short,3>,class itk::Image<short,3>
>::GetValueAndDErivative(const class itk::OptimizerParameters<double>
&,double &,class itk::Array<double> &) const"
line: 822
Description: itk::ERROR:
MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric(03137C68): Joint PDF summed to
By using the "DeformableRegistration15.cxx" of the itk-3.20.0 with few
changes to run in the new itk-4.1.0 the program runs correctly.
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