[Insight-users] Uninstall itk

Mathieu Stumpf mathieu.stumpf at etu.unistra.fr
Thu May 10 06:35:33 EDT 2012


I want to move back from itk4 to itk3. I installed the debian itk3
packages, but my environnement still use my /usr/local/* version, which
is itk4, despite the the fact I removed all itk path from my
environnement variables.

I kept the /usr/local/ path, for others installed things, like vtk. I
think it may be why my environnement won't use my system itk3 install.

So I wanted to remove my local itk installation. I went in my build
directory and typed :
        % sudo make uninstall
        make: *** Pas de règle pour fabriquer la cible « uninstall ».

No rule for uninstall :(

Does somebody have some trick to remove installed files ?

kind regards,

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