[Insight-users] Computing statistics on a region of an image

Cyrille Faucheux cyrille.faucheux at etu.univ-tours.fr
Mon May 21 06:59:44 EDT 2012


I want to compute statistics (lets say for example, an histogram) on a region of an image.

With an ImageToImageFilter, I know I have to specify the requested region at the end of my pipeline, and everything gets magically propagated upstream through the pipeline.

Is there a generic way of doing this with a filter that do not produce an image, or should the filter handle the region of interest "manually" (with internal region iterators) ?

Note: I dont want to use a RegionOfInterestImageFilter nor an ExtractImageFilter because it's too heavy (because later I will need to compute lots of statistics on lots of tiny region of my image).

Thanks in advance.


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