[Insight-users] Dimension of a Label in a volume

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed May 23 19:30:34 EDT 2012

Hi Miriam,

You could do this by combining the ExtractImageFilter
or the RegionOfInterestImageFilter with the LabelMap
filters that compute features in labels.

Just place ExtractImageFilter or the RegionOfInterest
image filter just after the place in the pipeline where
you have computed an image of labels, and before
you convert it to a label map.

Then you will have to select the slices for which you
want to compute features in the image.


On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Miriam Pini <miriam3333 at hotmail.it> wrote:

>  Hi guys,
> I have a question: I'm working on a DICOM dataset in order to segment the
> lung and I wanted to know if does exist a method to count the number of
> pixels of the label on each single slice. I know that with the class
> GetGeometryProperties I can count the number of pixels, but how can I move
> slice by slice in the volume to count the pixels' number of the label in
> each slice?
> Thanks for your help,
> Miriam
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