[Insight-users] Problem working with installing DemonsRegistration

Abayiz abayiz at yahoo.com
Fri May 25 04:07:16 EDT 2012


Did you add "ITKReview" in the "TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES" part of your CMakeList ?


 From: Iman Nekooeimehr <nekooeimehr at mail.usf.edu>
To: insight-users at itk.org 
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 4:12 AM
Subject: [Insight-users] Problem working with installing DemonsRegistration
Dear all,

I tried to build an open source software (Demons Registration)
developed based on ITK by Tom Varcauteren. There is an error that the
file itkTransformToDeformationFieldSource.h is not found. I also set
the option ITK_USE_REVIEW on when I cmake ITK.

CMAKE version is 2.8.8, ITK version is 4.1 and I am using VS2010.

I really appreciate any help,

Iman Nekooeimehr
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