[Insight-users] DisconnectPipeline()

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Thu May 31 20:40:47 EDT 2012

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Vikash Gupta <vikash.gupta at inria.fr> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have some code like
>         MultiplyImageFilterType::Pointer multiplyImageFilter=
> MultiplyImageFilterType::New();
>         multiplyImageFilter->SetInput1(derivePSI->GetOutput() );
>         multiplyImageFilter->SetInput2(deriveImage->GetOutput());
>         multiplyImageFilter->Update();
>         AddImageFilterType::Pointer
> addImageFilter=AddImageFilterType::New();
>         addImageFilter->SetInput1(secondtermImage);
>         addImageFilter->SetInput2(multiplyImageFilter->GetOutput());
>         addImageFilter->Update();
>         secondtermImage = addImageFilter->GetPutput();
>         secondtermImage->DisconnectPipeline();
> My question is:
> If I call the DisconnectPipeline on secondtermImage, does it disconnects
> from the whole set of filters before it or just the addImageFilter?
> If anyone can clarify this doubt, it will be really helpful.
> Thanks in advance
> Vikash

This seems like a great topic for an example. I made a placeholder:


If someone could demonstrate how and why you would want to use this
functionality, and what it actually disconnects, that would be great!


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