[Insight-users] ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM ITK V4

Rômulo Pinho romulo.pinho at lyon.unicancer.fr
Fri Nov 2 11:30:04 EDT 2012


I'd like to bring back the thread 
because it seems to me that there is still something broken in ITKv4 
comipilation with ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM (GDCM 2.x).

Despite the corrections made in 
http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/1712/, I find it strange that we 
must make-install GDCM even if we're compiling/linking ITK with GDCM's 
build tree (as described in the thread above). The make-install solution 
only works if the installation folder is a "system" folder, which is 
added to the link directives by default. I think it's even a dangerous 
solution if we are, eg, testing a new GDCM version and trying to link 
with its own build tree, while "silently" linking with an old 
(previously make-installed) version, since the latter is the one the 
linker will actually find.

Patching ITK_SOURCE_DIR/Modules/ThirdParty/GDCM/itk-module-init.cmake as 

option(ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM "Use an outside build of GDCM." OFF)

   find_package(GDCM REQUIRED)
+  include(${GDCM_USE_FILE})

seems to solve the problem.

However, ITKConfig doesn't import the library paths exported by GDCM, so 
in the end I get "-lgdcmXXX not found" erros when linking my program 
with ITKv4 + (a non-make-installed) SYSTEM_GDCM. After building ITK, I 
noticed that ITKGDCM_LIBRARY_DIRS is empty in (BUILD or 
INSTALL)_DIR/lib/cmake/ITK-4.2/Modules/ITKGDCM.cmake, in contrast with 
ITKGDCM_INCLUDE_DIRS, which does contain the right paths (i.e., those 
exported by GDCM). Manually updating ITKGDCM_LIBRARY_DIRS does solve the 
problem, but I'm not a cmake expert and couldn't find which file(s) 
should be patched so that things work as I would expect.

Does anyone have faced this problem as well?
Kind regards,


Rômulo PINHO
Post-doc Research Engineer
Centre Léon Bérard
28, rue Laennec 69373
Lyon, France
+33 (0)4 78 78 51 50
romulo.pinho at lyon.unicancer.fr

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