[Insight-users] DeformableModle1.cxx example run error: The number of pixels along direction 2 is less than 4.

flydps flydps at 163.com
Thu Nov 8 13:44:40 EST 2012

Hi all,
I am testing the Deformable Models and Gibbs Prior of the itk user guide. When I run the example, there is an error as follow:

 $ ./DeformableModel1 lena.bmp lenabinary.bmp output.bmp
Exception caught when updating gradientMapFilter 

itk::ExceptionObject (0x1b36720)
Location: "void itk::RecursiveSeparableImageFilter<TInputImage, TOutputImage>::BeforeThreadedGenerateData() [with TInputImage = itk::Image<float, 3u>, TOutputImage = itk::Image<float, 3u>]" 
File: /home/daipeishan/Downloads/InsightToolkit-4.2.0/Modules/Filtering/ImageFilterBase/include/itkRecursiveSeparableImageFilter.hxx
Line: 275
Description: itk::ERROR: RecursiveGaussianImageFilter(0x1b12750): The number of pixels along direction 2 is less than 4. This filter requires a minimum of four pixels along the dimension to be processed.

What is the reason for the error? I use the same size image as input and mask image.

Thank you!

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