[Insight-users] build fails to download gccxml (4.2.1)

David Froger david.froger at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 13:17:21 EST 2012

> > Should I install http://itk.org/files/gccxml/gccxml-2012-08-08.tar.bz2 on my system, and
> > then use ITK 4.2.1, with -DITK_USE_SYSTEM_GCCXML=ON and -DGCCXML=/path/to/the/installed/xml ?
> >
> That would work, too.

I confirm that it works. (while the release branch still fetches the GCCXML cvs).

There is just a problem  with the 'make install'.  While CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is
set and almost all the files  are installed into it,  FindWrapITK.cmake is tried
to be installed in privileged directory:

    -- Installing: /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindWrapITK.cmake
    CMake Error at Wrapping/install_wrapitk_compatibility.cmake:2 (file):
      file INSTALL cannot copy file
      to "/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindWrapITK.cmake".
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
      Wrapping/cmake_install.cmake:50 (INCLUDE)
      cmake_install.cmake:202 (INCLUDE)

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