[Insight-users] Much more computation with Itk v4 as compared to v3 ?
lien lee
lienlee at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 09:10:30 EDT 2012
Yes, they are.
2012/10/26 Bill Lorensen <bill.lorensen at gmail.com>
> Are both versions built Release?
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 5:20 PM, lien lee <lienlee at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As a starting point with v4, a simple rigid transform image registration
>> (as attached at the bottom of this message) was created and tested on a
>> pair of 256x256x187 and 256x256x229 images. It takes about 90s.
>> I had an same registration based on v3, and tested against the same data,
>> but it just took about 12s on the same machine with almost the same
>> matching result.
>> As a newbie, I am not sure whether I did the right thing and I am trying
>> to understand more about v4. By debugging into the v4 code, I noticed that:
>> 1. the new virtual domain (same as the fixed image in my case) introduces
>> one more layer which needs some extra computation.
>> 2. the transformation on a point was done through two Transformxxx()
>> operations by two transform instances in
>> ImageToImageMetricv4::m_CompositeTransform, although one of which is
>> actually an identity transform.
>> and, I am guessing maybe they are reasons for more computing time, but, I
>> am not so sure.
>> Of course, I can just stick to v3, but, I am just curious whether there
>> are some ways that I can avoid those extra computations with v4.
>> //=== Start of the code ===================================
>> //
>> bool
>> RigidTransform(itk::CompositeTransform<double,3>::Pointer vComposite,
>> ImageType const& vFixImage, ImageType const& vMovImage)
>> {
>> //- The Euler transform is a rotation and translation about a center,
>> so we
>> // need to find the rotation center.
>> //
>> typedef itk::Euler3DTransform<double> RigidTransformType;
>> RigidTransformType::Pointer vRigid = RigidTransformType::New();
>> typedef itk::CenteredTransformInitializer< RigidTransformType,
>> ImageType,
>> ImageType >
>> InitializerType;
>> InitializerType::Pointer Initializer = InitializerType::New();
>> Initializer->SetTransform(vRigid);
>> Initializer->SetFixedImage(&vFixImage);
>> Initializer->SetMovingImage(&vMovImage);
>> Initializer->GeometryOn();
>> Initializer->InitializeTransform();
>> vComposite->AddTransform(vRigid);
>> //- Metric
>> //
>> typedef itk::MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetricv4<ImageType,
>> ImageType> MetricType;
>> MetricType::Pointer vMetric = MetricType::New();
>> vMetric->SetNumberOfHistogramBins(32);
>> vMetric->SetUseFixedImageGradientFilter(false);
>> //- Optimizer
>> //
>> typedef itk::GradientDescentOptimizerv4 OptimizerType;
>> OptimizerType::Pointer vOptimizer = OptimizerType::New();
>> vOptimizer->SetNumberOfIterations( 50 );
>> vOptimizer->SetDoEstimateLearningRateOnce( true );
>> vOptimizer->SetMinimumConvergenceValue( 1e-6 );
>> vOptimizer->SetConvergenceWindowSize( 5 );
>> vOptimizer->SetMaximumStepSizeInPhysicalUnits( 0.5 );
>> //- Scale estimator
>> //
>> itk::OptimizerParameterScalesEstimator::Pointer vScalesEstimator;
>> typedef itk::RegistrationParameterScalesFromJacobian<MetricType>
>> JacobianScalesEstimatorType;
>> {
>> JacobianScalesEstimatorType::Pointer vJacobianScalesEstimator
>> = JacobianScalesEstimatorType::New();
>> vJacobianScalesEstimator->SetMetric(vMetric);
>> vJacobianScalesEstimator->SetTransformForward(true);
>> vScalesEstimator = vJacobianScalesEstimator;
>> }
>> vOptimizer->SetScalesEstimator(vScalesEstimator);
>> vOptimizer->SetDoEstimateScales(true);
>> //- The RegistrationMethod class coordinates the registration
>> operation.
>> // It needs all the pieces that come together to perform the
>> registration
>> // operation.
>> //
>> typedef itk::ImageRegistrationMethodv4<ImageType, ImageType,
>> itk::Euler3DTransform<double>> RigidRegistrationType;
>> RigidRegistrationType::Pointer vRigidRegistration =
>> RigidRegistrationType::New();
>> vRigidRegistration->SetOptimizer(vOptimizer);
>> vRigidRegistration->SetFixedImage(&vFixImage);
>> vRigidRegistration->SetMovingImage(&vMovImage);
>> vRigidRegistration->SetMovingInitialTransform(vRigid);
>> vRigidRegistration->SetNumberOfLevels(3);
>> vRigidRegistration->SetMetric(vMetric);
>> vRigidRegistration->SetMetricSamplingStrategy(RigidRegistrationType::RANDOM);
>> vRigidRegistration->SetMetricSamplingPercentage(0.1);
>> //- Shrink the virtual domain by specified factors for each level.
>> //
>> RigidRegistrationType::ShrinkFactorsArrayType vRigidShrinkFactors;
>> vRigidShrinkFactors.SetSize( 3 );
>> vRigidShrinkFactors[0] = 4;
>> vRigidShrinkFactors[1] = 2;
>> vRigidShrinkFactors[2] = 1;
>> vRigidRegistration->SetShrinkFactorsPerLevel( vRigidShrinkFactors );
>> //- Smoothing sigmas array
>> //
>> RigidRegistrationType::SmoothingSigmasArrayType vRigidSmoothingSigmas;
>> vRigidSmoothingSigmas.SetSize(3);
>> vRigidSmoothingSigmas.Fill(0);
>> vRigidRegistration->SetSmoothingSigmasPerLevel(vRigidSmoothingSigmas);
>> //- Observer
>> //
>> typedef CommandIterationUpdate< RigidRegistrationType > CommandType;
>> CommandType::Pointer observer = CommandType::New();
>> vRigidRegistration->AddObserver( itk::InitializeEvent(), observer );
>> try
>> {
>> std::cout << "Starting rigid registration..." << std::endl;
>> vRigidRegistration->Update();
>> std::cout << "Rigid parameters after registration: " << std::endl
>> << vOptimizer->GetCurrentPosition() << std::endl;
>> }
>> catch( itk::ExceptionObject &e )
>> {
>> std::cerr << "Exception caught: " << e << std::endl;
>> return false;
>> }
>> vComposite->AddTransform(const_cast<RigidTransformType*>(vRigidRegistration->GetOutput()->Get()));
>> return true;
>> }
>> //
>> //=== End of the code =====================================
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> --
> Unpaid intern in BillsBasement at noware dot com
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