[Insight-users] One of the common Errors-want to know why it occurs

D, Yamini Yamini.D at philips.com
Mon Sep 3 08:25:21 EDT 2012


I am sending you a part of the code that involves the error. Headers, typedef and the filter parts. Hessian and Connected component are the filters which included.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "itkHessianToObjectnessMeasureImageFilter.h"

#include "itkMultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter.h"

#include "itkConnectedComponentImageFilter.h"

#include "itkImageFileReader.h"

#include "itkImageFileWriter.h"

typedef float                                 InputPixelType;

  typedef itk::Image<InputPixelType,Dimension>  InputImageType;

  typedef float                                 OutputPixelType;

  typedef itk::Image<OutputPixelType,Dimension> OutputImageType;

  typedef itk::ImageFileReader<InputImageType>  FileReaderType;

  typedef itk::ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType> FileWriterType;

  typedef itk::NumericTraits< InputPixelType >::RealType RealPixelType;

  typedef itk::SymmetricSecondRankTensor< RealPixelType, Dimension > HessianPixelType;

  typedef itk::Image< HessianPixelType, Dimension >                  HessianImageType;

  typedef itk::HessianToObjectnessMeasureImageFilter< HessianImageType,OutputImageType > ObjectnessFilterType;

  typedef itk::MultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter< InputImageType,HessianImageType, OutputImageType > MultiScaleEnhancementFilterType;

  // for Connected component

  typedef itk::ConnectedComponentImageFilter< HessianImageType,OutputImageType > ConnectedComponentFilterType;

FileReaderType::Pointer imageReader = FileReaderType::New();






  catch (itk::ExceptionObject &ex)


    std::cout << ex << std::endl;

    return EXIT_FAILURE;




FileWriterType::Pointer writer2 = FileWriterType::New();



    writer2->SetInput( multiScaleEnhancementFilter->GetOutput() );



  FileReaderType::Pointer reader1 = FileReaderType::New();


  cout<<"reader1 passed"<<endl;

  ConnectedComponentFilterType::Pointer CCFilter = ConnectedComponentFilterType::New();

  itk::Image<InputPixelType, Dimension>* pOutputImage = reader1->GetOutput();

  CCFilter->SetInput(pOutputImage);                                                                                  <-------------this is the line where I get the error

  FileWriterType::Pointer writer4 = FileWriterType::New();



  cout<<"writer4 passed"<<endl;



-----Original Message-----
From: David Doria [mailto:daviddoria at gmail.com]<mailto:[mailto:daviddoria at gmail.com]>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2012 5:28 PM
To: D, Yamini
Cc: insight-users at itk.org<mailto:insight-users at itk.org>
Subject: Re: One of the common Errors-want to know why it occurs

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 2:17 AM, D, Yamini <Yamini.D at philips.com<mailto:Yamini.D at philips.com>> wrote:

> Hi,




> Can you tell me what would be the cause of  the following error ? I

> have come across this lot of times and want to know why this occurs.




> error C2664: 'void

> itk::ImageToImageFilter<TInputImage,TOutputImage>::SetInput(const

> itk::Image<TPixel,VImageDimension> *)' : cannot convert parameter 1

> from 'itk::Image<TPixel,VImageDimension> *' to 'const

> itk::Image<TPixel,VImageDimension> *'

Can you please give this some context? I.e. make a minimal compilable example of where you are calling this function that produces the error you are seeing.


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