[Insight-users] How to combine itk and fltk? does anyone has a woking example?

anna han wan anna.han.wan at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 09:29:38 EDT 2012

Dear all,

I have installed successfully fltk (version 1.3) using cMake and I manage
to run successfully some fltk code examples. Now I want to use fltk as a
GUI for my itk code.

I tried to work with the example provided in GettingStarted-IV (
myProject). I have an early error when I try to configure my project using
the same cmake file provided in this example. The error is originated from
the lines:





When I remove these lines I configure the project without any problem.

Does anyone know how to fix that? Does anyone has a simple working project
that combine both itk and fltk so I can use it as a starting example from
which I can build my GUI-application.?

Thanks in advance for your time.

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