[Insight-users] read a subset of frames from a multi-frame dicom image

Stefano Maugeri stefano at camelotbio.com
Mon Sep 10 10:04:11 EDT 2012

Hi, everybody

we have found some large multi-frame DICOM images we need to load into our
application (about 800x555 and ~500-600 frames). Until now we had not
considered multi-frame images a problem because the resolution and number
of frames tended to be low. However, right now we are facing the need to
read these images dividing them in pieces and loading them in memory piece
by piece.
Is there a way to load a specified number of frames, from a multi-frame
dicom image, without loading all the frames?
We are using version 3.20.0.
We have already tried to connect a RegionOfInterestImageFilter after the
ImageFileReader with no success (or we did something wrong): the reader
tries to read always all the frames.
We also tried to set an ImageIORegion explicitly to the GDCMImageIO object
but it did not work either.

Thanks in advance

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