[Insight-users] Reading tag values of a DICOM series without reading the volume

Iago iagolv at gts.uvigo.es
Tue Sep 18 14:42:05 EDT 2012

Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie user of ITK, and have a problem when reading DICOM volumes
stored as series, using itk::GDCMSeriesFileNames and itk::GDCMImageIO.

Let's suppose we have DICOM files belonging to several series, and all
those files are stored in the same directory. I know how to identify the
different series stored in that directory by
using GDCMSeriesFileNames::GetSeriesUIDs(), and also how to know which
files belong to each series by using GDCMSeriesFileNames::GetFileNames().

The key is that I need to access some DICOM tags (as PatientName,
Modality,...)  BEFORE reading the volume, so I can have a better idea of
what series I am going to load than the mere UID. The only way I could find
to do that, is reading the volume and use GetMetaDataObjectValue()... but
too many operations are done in vain, and the process is too slow.

Is there any way to query these tags without reading the whole volume?

Thank you in advance for your attention.


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