[Insight-users] Cannot display image using ITKVTKGlue

Tanweer Rashid trash001 at odu.edu
Fri Sep 28 14:10:30 EDT 2012


I am  trying to read an image with ITK and display it with VTK using
ITKVtkGlue. The program compiles and builds without any errors, but when it
executes, it gives the following message:

ERROR: In D:\ProgramFiles\VTK-5.10-src\Imaging\vtkImageImport.cxx, line 337
vtkImageImport (0050B648): Calling UpdateInformationCallback:
 Could not create IO object for file D:\AAA.png
  Tried to create one of the following:
  You probably failed to set a file suffix, or
    set the suffix to an unsupported type.

I am compiling on VS2010 on Windows 7 (64 bit). My VTK and ITK libraries
and my program are all compiled in 32 bit.

Tanweer Rashid
MSVE Dept.
Old Dominion University
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