[Insight-users] linking issues using system gdcm in centOS 6

liulewes lewes_infor at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 16 17:03:29 EDT 2013

Environment: centOS 6
Libs: custom built gdcm 2.3, itk 4.3
cmake: 2.8
issue: when building itk with the custom built gdcm, the linker complains when linking for itkTestDriver. Symbols such as uuid_generate, JepgLsReadHeader, opj_cio_close, inflate, and etc. are not found; however, they exist in libgdcmuuid, libgdcmcharls, libgdcmzlib, respectively.

I think some gdcm libs are not included in the itk cmake file correctly. What is the general suggested way to solve this type of issues?

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