[Insight-users] Weird behavior fo itk::Image<>::RegionType

Gabriel Santiago santiago.eletrica at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 15:17:32 EDT 2013

Dear all,

I am trying to reproduce the example of page 118, of the itkSoftwareGuide,

*typedef itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject<3> ImageMaskSpatialObject;*


*typedef itk::Image<InputAnalyzeImage, 3> Image3D;*

I think it should work, but when I come to the following lines

*    Image3D::SizeType size = inputRegion.GetSize();
    size[plane] = 0;
    Image3D::IndexType start = inputRegion.GetIndex();
    const unsigned int sliceNumber = slice;
    start[plane] = sliceNumber;

    Image3D::RegionType desiredRegion;

I am getting the following error messages:

*Invalid argumentes:
*Candidates are:
*void SetSize(const itk::Size<<unknown>>&)  and
void SetSize(unsigned long int, unsigned long int)

Invalid argumentes:
Candidates are:
void SetIndex(const itk::Index<<unknown>>&)  and
void SetIndex(unsigned long int, unsigned long int)

Can anyone, please, help me? I am using itk v4.2.
What is going on?

Thanks in advance,

Gabriel Santiago

~"As long as I live so long do I learn"~
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