[Insight-users] Trouble reading 8bit BMP images as a VectorImage

Cyrille Faucheux cyrille.faucheux at etu.univ-tours.fr
Mon Aug 19 06:29:15 EDT 2013

Thanks Matt,

I've read a bit more about the BMP file format, to find out that bitmap files cannot store grayscale images: a color palette is always required for bit depth <= 8, and treating the index value as a grayscale intensity is some kind of hack, hence de Allow8BitBMP flag.

I will be happy to try to write a patch, but something is bothering me:
Exposing the flag out of the BMPImageIO class seems quite straightforward, but how this flag is supposed to be set when using a factory like ImageFileReader?
I see there is a ImageFileReader::SetImageIO() method. Should I obtain the ImageIO with ImageIOFactory::CreateImageIO(filename, ...), change the newly exposed flag when it is a BMPImageIO, and set the ImageIO of the reader before effectively loading the image, or is there a simplest way?


----- Mail original -----
De: "Matt McCormick" <matt.mccormick at kitware.com>
À: "Cyrille Faucheux" <cyrille.faucheux at etu.univ-tours.fr>
Cc: insight-users at itk.org
Envoyé: Samedi 17 Août 2013 21:33:58
Objet: Re: [Insight-users] Trouble reading 8bit BMP images as a VectorImage

Hi Cyrille,

Examining the log file for the itkBMPImageIO.h,

  git log -- Modules/IO/BMP/include/itkBMPImageIO.h

the behavior for 8 bit BMP's was changes with this patch [1], which
corresponds with this issue [2].

If you would like to expose this flag, patches are welcome.
Instructions can be found here [3].


[1] http://itk.org/gitweb?p=ITK.git;a=commit;h=aaff761c6bbf5b0dfca42c0a9d84eab900631199
[2] http://www.itk.org/Bug/bug_relationship_graph.php?bug_id=7773&graph=dependency
[3] http://insightsoftwareconsortium.github.io/ITKBarCamp-doc/CommunitySoftwareProcess/SubmitAPatchToGerrit/index.html

On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Cyrille Faucheux
<cyrille.faucheux at etu.univ-tours.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to read grayscale and RGB bitmap images as itk::VectorImage<double, 3>.
> ITK always tells me that the grayscale ones have 3 components per pixels.
> I've checked with multiple tools, those images are really 8bits (no color table)
> I've dug a little, and found in itkBMPImageIO.cxx a flag named Allow8BitBMP, which is set to false, that forces 8bit BMP files to be recognized as 24bit ones (3 components per pixel).
> What is bothering me is that there is no way to change this flag. So, what is its purpose?
> Thanks in advance.
> Cyrille
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